Some More About Us
Stow CLT
The Trust is run by a Board who meet about every tow to three months; we also hold open meetings three times a year including the AGM, to which all members and the public are invited.
Elsewhere on this website we go into greater detail about the people we are trying to help and the style of housing we hope to provide.
All levels of government - from the local Town Council, through the District Council, right up to Central government - are keen to see Community-led Housing being provided, and are very supportive of our objectives. See also the Ministry of Housing & Local Government press release of 30 January 2021. The Labour government elected in July 2024 has stated its commitment to solving the national housing crisis.
With the new Neighbourhood Plan coming to fruition, and changes in legislation in the offing, there is now a real possibility of being able to build the much-needed housing so essential for Stow.
Although we will need to raise finance to realise our ambitions, right now we need people who can strengthen our Board and help drive forward our vision by enhancing our presence and profile You may well feel that your skills and experience would be useful to us, in which case, please contact our Secretary, David Germaney, either by writing to him using the 'Contact Us' form at the bottom of the 'Welcome' page, or calling him on the number shown.
If you would like to join the CLT just as an ordinary member (it only costs £1.00), then please get in touch with David. The Membership Application Form can be found here.
There can also be fiscal and other benefits in being involved with Stow CLT.
We also have a 'Pitch Document' aimed at landowners and any potential benefactors who may be able to assist us. This can be viewed/downloaded here.

Drawing © Tyack Architects Ltd - www.tyackarchitects.com
Providing truly affordable housing in Stow